Hot Line: 1-800-926-3629

How It Works

  More Money, Faster Results


Licensed by state departments of insurance, public adjusters appraise and negotiate property insurance claims on behalf of policyholders. Aside from attorneys and brokers of record, public adjusters are the only licensed professionals who can legally advocate for policyholders throughout the insurance claim process.



It is a critical function. Like any business, insurance companies care most about their bottom lines. When it comes to your very personal, very traumatic insurance claim, that means paying you the least amount of money possible, and dragging their feet before they do.


Because public adjusters earn commissions based on a percentage of each settlement (subject to a state-imposed cap), Jerry E. Kotler Associates’ bottom line is best served by serving your interests. When you call, we respond quickly with a free consultation, then complete a thorough firsthand analysis, apply decades of knowledge to a line-by-line review of your policy and, as necessary, call in an army of top professionals – including construction experts, cleaning companies, temp agencies and others – all to ensure your immediate needs are met and, ultimately, to win you the largest possible settlement in the shortest possible time.



The devil, as they say, is in the details, and nobody knows the small-print details of your policy better than your insurer – except us. In a perfect world, you’d never need our services, but after disaster strikes, the question you need to ask first is: Who’s watching out for you?